Our student communities, founded by Hechalutz and Berl Katzaneson Fund, put together socially awake leading students, to promote processes of social change domestically and nationally. We suggest a rich program that includes theoretical and social meetings, volunteering in different organizations, seminars, and leadership training. Participating in this program is rewarded with an academic scholarship.
Our goal is to support community initiatives and local social change organizations; to promote processes of urban renewal and their integration in national processes of social change; to establish young active communities and encourage a common settling in the periphery – from Jewish and Zionist perspective, and according to the values of social change, and humanism.
The students volunteer in different frameworks such as non-formal education, Unions, co-operatives, social change, social and civil equality, and Jewish-Arab Partnership.
The students meet each other in community events, that include social gatherings, non-academic study, and training.
Each student in the network earns an academic scholarship.