School workshops

School workshops

Mafteach is an educational center, which develops, produces, and guides experiential learning activities in the fields of Jewish identity and Israeli society for students, young people, teachers, and communities. Our goal is to promote a pluralistic society that enjoys its cultural diversity, recognizes it, is connected to its Jewish roots, and does not give up on critical thinking. The center specializes in the development of innovative content, with the help of a professional and skilled training team. We help different organizations to define their needs and build the activities accordingly. The participants in our activities enjoy an experiential, thought-provoking meeting, and discussion about questions regarding values that are relevant to them.

The programs we offer:

Jewish-Israeli Culture
Programs for schools adapted to the curriculum in the subject of Israeli Jewish Culture and approved by the Ministry of Education.

For primary schools:

  • Grades 3 – 4 || Be my Friend: A workshop that deals with friendships, friends, challenges, and social struggles.
  • Grades 3-6 || New under the sun: the history of Hanukkah: a workshop that deals with the various holiday stories, and combines games, plays, and questions about the holiday stories and customs. | There is an online version
  • Grades 4-6 || Israeli salad: multiculturalism in Israeli society through a huge board game. | There is an online version
  • 6th grades || Adolescence Seminar: What Does Adolescence Mean Today? The history of the Jewish adolescence ceremony and its meaning
  • A Journey for Adolescence: an online event for parents and children: an escape-room-like game about adolescence and B’nei-Mitzvah year. (Training will be given to the teaching staff at the school)

For the 7th grade:

  • Adolescence Seminar: What Does Adolescence Mean Today? The history of the Jewish adolescence ceremony and its meaning
  • A Journey for adolescence: Online activity – a virtual escape room-like game for parents and children about B’nai-Mitzvah year and adolescence. (Training will be given to the teaching staff at the school)

For Grades 7-9:

  • Characters from the past: What would have happened if exemplary characters from our culture had entered a reality show? | There is an online version
  • Israeli Mosaic: Multiculturalism in Israeli Society – an Instagram Game | There is an online version
  • The Power of Words: The Social Discourse – Between an Innovative Digital World and Ancient Sources | There is an online version
  • And you loved the Foreigner”: Towards Shavuot: a workshop that deals with examining our relationship with the other. A combination of experience and learning
  • Game of Life: Choices between conflicting values

For Young Adults:

  • “He who makes the wind blow”: Beit Midrash for the study of diverse sources from our Jewish-Israeli culture. The study will deal with issues from our lives, such as Identity and belonging, Love and relationship, relations between a person to his friend, educational dilemmas, community life, personal fulfillment, and social responsibility. 22 90-Min. sessions
  • “Israeli Calendar”: Study sessions for coordinators and instructors who deal with the Hebrew calendar. we will deep-dive into the contents of the holidays, their appointed dates, and their development over the generations. We will ask about their relevance to our lives and examine the ways they are mentioned in the personal, communal, and public space. A 3-hour monthly meeting. 8 sessions in total.
  • “Gender Patrol”: A program that aims to promote Gender Equality. We will identify the gender constructions of society, and we will learn to look at social issues from a gender perspective. We will examine the possibilities of participants’ influence in the various educational and communal frameworks. 12 90-Min. sessions.
  • “Leaders of Tomorrow”: A leadership program for youth and young adults focusing on encouraging activism and social involvement. We will get to know the Israeli social mosaic, its similarities and differences, and we will find out what qualities are needed to be a leader. There are two possible models in the program: An enriching model – 12 sessions. From learning to action model – 12 study sessions + 5 planning meetings and project building. The sessions are 90-Min. long.


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