Our Missions
Peace & Co-Existence
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: a nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah).
The far distant future vision foretells world peace, in which weapons become redundant. The State of Israel knew battles and wars even before its establishment, but the desire to live in peace is already mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.
This aspiration cannot remain only an end-of-day ideal. We strive to build a peace-loving society, which sees the other person not through a gun sight, as an enemy, but as an equal human being, with aspirations, desires, rights, and freedoms.
At the same time as encouraging service in the military, which aims to protect the borders of the state, we believe and educate in a humanistic worldview that sees man as a master of his decisions and with free will. We encourage participants and alumni of educational programs to initiate, join and participate in various peace and coexistence initiatives, to know the other and the different, to strive and act for a peaceful existence.
In the various programs in the organization, we expose the participants to the historical background of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to the various opinions regarding the resolution of the conflict, while encouraging perceptions to strive for a political solution and peace.