Our Missions
In Hechalutz – Hamidrasha at Oranim We work to strengthen the sense of community in Israeli society and encourage the creation of a human encounter, mutual commitment, culture, and a common language.
Community life offers an answer to the challenges of alienation and loneliness in modern, urban, and rural life alike. The community allows a person to experience and express partnership and responsibility towards others in and outside the community.
We work to build safe spaces of identity and belonging that will form the infrastructure for cultural life, education and action for the benefit of social change; Connect individuals to groups, groups to communities, and those to a national network with a mission and shared values.
We strive to develop a “unified public” consciousness that knows how to work with municipal institutions and with state offices and creates local and national networks that will work to implement a supportive public policy.
As an organization, we carry out several programs in order to accomplish this task. We initiate and establish communities and accompany them in their growth, manage a community network, and train community leaders.